Glyphs of Time :: a blog by jarvis grant

February 16, 2010

My First Post :: At last!

Filed under: Observations — Jarvo @ 2:22 pm
National Museum of American Art

National Museum of American Art Courtyard

I’ve been working on this for about a year and still haven’t posted a thing to my blog! I’ve got so involved with the techno aspect of the thing that I’ve completely overlooked the purpose of the thing. I was about to put this off one more time, by going to the NMAA Courtyard, and getting sidetracked by the web (which was down!). I love the place simply because I’m surrounded by art and I’m still inside. Yet I do miss the old courtyard. It was out in the open, so when it rained and snowed you got wet and cold. But, there were a few secret spots that protected you from the elements. What an experience! It was wonderful on Sunday afternoons. It wasn’t the most popular museum and wasn’t on the Mall. So, there were no crowds.

National Museum of American Art Courtyard

National Museum of American Art Courtyard

Now there are crowds and people who have poor parenting skills with kids who run around as if in a playground. But most of these folks are tourist, and they’re here to enjoy themselves. But they do get in the way! For many of them art is a decoration, not a method of communication. That view comes to me from where I’m sitting on my high horse! I came down here to place myself in a museful environment and blah, blah, blah, blah. I also need to remember that DC is just coming from under a major snow storm, so some folks just want to get out of the house. Myself included! I bypassed a couple of local spots in my neighborhood, thinking that Downtown DC in late afternoon would be quiet, I was wrong. I need to be aware of sharing public spaceā€¦and vice versa.

National Museum of American ARt #3

National Museum of American Art

Well, when it’s all said and done, at least I was able to come up with something to write for my first blog post. So, in the words of Mr. WordPress and all those other bloggers who have come before me, Hello World!


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