Glyphs of Time :: a blog by jarvis grant

January 13, 2011

2011 New Year’s Night Queen

Filed under: Gallery,Observations,Photography — Tags: , , , — Jarvo @ 1:59 am

Night Bloomimg CereusOn New Year’s Eve, I wasn’t exactly surprised to see that around 9:00PM, my Night Blooming Cereus was starting to open up. From the first sighting of the bud to the final bloom, takes about 10 days.  I always know when it’s blooming, not by sight but by smell. The Cereus has a distinctive mild, sweet, aroma. I have always had the belief that my Cereus bloomed at special occasions. Sometimes these occasions are happy and sometimes not. Yet, the Cereus’ flower presents itself at some magical interface. So I look for 2011 being a magical positive year!

These photos were made with my Panasonic LX3. This camera has an incredible macro mode. It’s small and light enough to hand hold in awkward positions. Plus its superb Leica lens is a beautiful piece of glass. yet to make these images I had to use an ISO of 800. I wanted to use a somewhat fast shutter speed to minimize blur and an f/stop that wasn’t wide open. The noise was lowered using Nik Software Define 2.0.

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May 19, 2010

A Few New Botanical Image Ideas

Filed under: Folio,Gallery,Observations,Photography — Tags: , , — Jarvo @ 2:34 pm

I’ve been working on some new work from scans,. Mostly from dried flowers that I’ve had laying around. Photographing them has allowed me to at least throw them away! For the past month I’ve also been using my scanner as a macro camera. I amazed at how much detail there is to objects. I’m looking froward to doing more this summer on this idea.

I wasn’t thinking about Dreams, when I was taking those photographs. That idea came later, and was in the moment.

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March 29, 2010

A Few New Nocturnes

Filed under: Gallery,Media,Observations,Photography — Tags: , — Jarvo @ 10:46 am

Here are twelve new photographs from my Nocturne series. These images were made during the past Autumn and Winter. I’ll be updating my web site in a few weeks and some of these images will be a part of that update. Click on an image to enlarge.

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These images reside over at Flickr until I find the time to understand the code for this little widget and post them on my server. For the best viewer experience, I recommend that once you’re over at Flickr, to use the Slideshow function.
