Glyphs of Time :: a blog by jarvis grant

February 26, 2010

Free Guide to All Photoshop Filters

Filed under: Digital Tech,Observations,Photoshop — Jarvo @ 2:22 pm

Free Guide to All Photoshop Filters

The original link is to the Studio Daily blog. In there you’ll find the link to Richard Harrington’s which has the PDF guide. For those you may not know, Richard is a motion graphics trainer/guru. He is a writer for Photoshop User & Layers Magazine. He is also a trainer at Kelby Training.

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February 25, 2010

NAPP Members Invited To Beta Test Next Version of Adobe Photoshop

Filed under: Digital Tech,Observations,Photoshop — Jarvo @ 1:26 pm

NAPP Members Invited To Beta Test Next Version of Adobe Photoshop

And guess who got in!?  ;-D

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February 21, 2010

The Vespers: evensong & other thoughts

Filed under: Digital Tech,Gallery,Observations,Photography — Jarvo @ 8:11 pm

These photographs are my first experiments using the Lensbaby Composer



Visit to the National Gallery of Art

Filed under: Art History,Museum,Observations,Photography — Jarvo @ 3:53 pm
Self Portrait at NGA-2010

After viewing vintage prints @ the NGA I made this photograph in my "darkroom".

This past Friday afternoon, I went down to the National Gallery of art to attend a Gallery Talk on their exhibit, In the Darkroom: Photographic Processes before the Digital Age. It was a small group andthe lecturer, J. Russell Sale, did a very good job in enlightening the group on the history of the photographic precesses between 1839 -1945. It’s amazing to think that in the brief time that photography has exsisted, about 170 years, there have been more  2D images made than most of human recorded history. No longer are only the portrayal of those noted human beings who have made their mark, whether good or evil, on this planet have been recorded. Now the images of everybody doing anything can be captured by anybody! Even 5 year old kids can make moving pictures with color & sound, and post them to the Internet to their grandparents hundreds of miles away. I often wonder what would Mathew Brady, or Augustus Washington do with such technology.   How much more of their world would we know? How much would that have informed & changed the world they lived in?

To learn a little more about the exhibit, In the Darkroom: Photographic Processes before the Digital Age, checkout this podcast by Sarah Kennel, associate curator, department of photographs, National Gallery of Art, Washington.


February 20, 2010

Photoshop Startup Dreams Video

Filed under: Art History,Digital Tech,Media,Photoshop,Video — Tags: , — Jarvo @ 2:32 pm

A trip down Photoshop’s Memory Lane, with the Knoll Brothers and a couple of their friends.


February 18, 2010

Testing an Approach

Filed under: Gallery — Jarvo @ 6:46 pm

Get this widget at

This is simply a test to see how I can create a small image gallery per post.



February 17, 2010

You Get What You Pay For: Installment #1

Filed under: Digital Tech,Observations,Photography — Jarvo @ 11:31 pm

OK. When we hear this phrase, we think if I don’t pay a lot what I have is a chip piece of crap! Therefore, I must spend a lot for quality. Yes and No. For some odd reason, photographers feel that they must spend a lot of buck to get the “best” equipment. Sound logical. They also feel that the more they can spend, the better a photographer they must be. Hey it makes sense, right?

I’m here to tell ya, that’s what equipment manufactures want you to think For example, when you go into the field, take a laptop computer. A laptop? I’m not getting paid for these images.  So hey, let me take a hard drive with a screen into the field. That way I can see the images I’m taking and download those images to the drive and free up my capture card. That makes sense. Of course it does, but… What if I would like to backup those images while shooting? Damn,  I guess I do need my laptop?

Yet, I guess instead of taking a $600-$800 80 GB screened hard drive into the field that isn’t doing what I need, let me take a $1200 MacBook into the field, (or the PC equivalent) for more control and options. Yeah, That makes sense.
How about this, maybe take a Netbook that cost, on the high-end, $400 with a DVD burner at $50? The Netbook has a 160 GB hard drive and an OS that will support basic photo editing package, like Photoshop Elements or even a pro package like Lightroom to review the day’s shoot (Not shoot tethered, it’s a Netbook for God’s sake!).  Plus with the introduction of the iPad, Netbooks will just get better. So, if you get what you pay for is true, then spend another $150 on a 350 GB portable hard drive to backup the photos on, and sync up everything when back in the studio.

So, photographers, stop being victims of marketing hype. Stop being so anal! Use your creative vision to do great things that don’t make other people rich at your expense. Remember, every 18 months, these folks will tell you that you need to spend more money on something that is even greater and better. For those who can, remember those $30,000 Kodak cameras in Nikon bodies that shot, 1.5 megapixel images? What’s the res of your iPhone?


February 16, 2010

National Museum of American Art : February 14, 2010

Filed under: Museum,Observations — Jarvo @ 4:06 pm

National Museum of American Art Courtyard :: Quick Spin from Jarvis Grant on Vimeo.


My First Post :: At last!

Filed under: Observations — Jarvo @ 2:22 pm
National Museum of American Art

National Museum of American Art Courtyard

I’ve been working on this for about a year and still haven’t posted a thing to my blog! I’ve got so involved with the techno aspect of the thing that I’ve completely overlooked the purpose of the thing. I was about to put this off one more time, by going to the NMAA Courtyard, and getting sidetracked by the web (which was down!). I love the place simply because I’m surrounded by art and I’m still inside. Yet I do miss the old courtyard. It was out in the open, so when it rained and snowed you got wet and cold. But, there were a few secret spots that protected you from the elements. What an experience! It was wonderful on Sunday afternoons. It wasn’t the most popular museum and wasn’t on the Mall. So, there were no crowds.

National Museum of American Art Courtyard

National Museum of American Art Courtyard

Now there are crowds and people who have poor parenting skills with kids who run around as if in a playground. But most of these folks are tourist, and they’re here to enjoy themselves. But they do get in the way! For many of them art is a decoration, not a method of communication. That view comes to me from where I’m sitting on my high horse! I came down here to place myself in a museful environment and blah, blah, blah, blah. I also need to remember that DC is just coming from under a major snow storm, so some folks just want to get out of the house. Myself included! I bypassed a couple of local spots in my neighborhood, thinking that Downtown DC in late afternoon would be quiet, I was wrong. I need to be aware of sharing public space…and vice versa.

National Museum of American ARt #3

National Museum of American Art

Well, when it’s all said and done, at least I was able to come up with something to write for my first blog post. So, in the words of Mr. WordPress and all those other bloggers who have come before me, Hello World!
