Glyphs of Time :: a blog by jarvis grant

June 23, 2011

Coming Soon to Adobe Labs: Adobe Edge

Filed under: Digital Tech,Innovation,Video — Tags: , , — Jarvo @ 5:16 pm

Adobe is working on yet another tool designed to create content for mobile devices., Adobe Edge. Edge will be able to create Flash-like content or animations using javascript, HTML 5, and CSS. After Apple thumbed their noses at Adobe by not allowing iPhones and the iPads to support Flash content. I guess Apple thought that developers would drop Adobe & Microsoft tools and come running to Applescript because the iPad was so cool and popular. What were they thinking. Did they really think that Adobe would simply hang their head down, kick the dirt, and go home? Or, was this some evil ploy to get Adobe to build a tool that they were simply to lazy or incapable of building themselves?

At any rate Adobe is continuing to forge ahead with developing new tools for the creative pros to create interactive content for mobile devices. You can find out more about Adobe Edge at the Adobe Labs web site and the Adobe Edge Facebook page.


February 20, 2010

Photoshop Startup Dreams Video

Filed under: Art History,Digital Tech,Media,Photoshop,Video — Tags: , — Jarvo @ 2:32 pm

A trip down Photoshop’s Memory Lane, with the Knoll Brothers and a couple of their friends.
